Monday 29 December 2008

Bobble Bio noggin!

Here is something ive wanted to do for quite some time, a Bio helmet display, from a very much loved movie franchise of mine, Predator!
I wanted a custom Bio lid to display, but for me, they only look good when paired up with a killer set of dreadlocks.

I went to Joe (bambooie) on the hunterslair site and got hooked up with a superb set of 40 foam cold cast dreads, of awesome quality!

I then had to get an undermask to mount my helmet upon, so Jay (monsterroom) on the above mentioned site helped me out there.

The Bio in these pics are of a Mysteria AVP scar, in its first stages of weathering, the Bio that will adorn this piece, will be a Hero P2 from RPF member and all round top bloke, Hez!

Anyhoo, this is where im at so far, and im hoping to finish this up over the Christmas break and get it on display!

Its been quite a refreshing break from the StarWars builds im so used to!

Lee Ralph

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