Sunday 28 December 2008

Probe droid pod!

This is another project, from my favorite in the SW trilogy, the Probe Droid Hyperspace Pod!

These models, were another quick and dirty ILM build, utilising many parts left over from various larger builds in my own opinion!

This build here, is based around a Tamiya Sd Kfz223 armored car hull, five of them in fact, faceted together, to create a rather nice design and shape!
Many of the parts on this example, are in fact studio accurate, but there has been some elaboration along the way due to lack of reference, or just to improve the general aesthetics of the model!

It really is still a work in progress and some parts have yet to be added, but this is another seldom seen prop, and it does have a larger brother, made from the hulls of another ILM stable favorite...the Tamiya 8rad armored car...this pod variant, will be also built very soon to accompany what you see here.....just so they dont get lonely!

Lee Ralph.


  1. Really superb work ! Where did you get the reference for this model ?!

  2. Thanks bud, well the main pic of this, exists as an archive pic took a few years back alongside the Ion cannon (planned future build), by and unknown artist!
    If you go to you can check out a build thread that contains all the ref i used to build what you see here.
    Its very limited in pics sadly, but im pretty close to what the real deal looked like!

    A huge debt of thanks go out to Tim Ketzer too, for supplying some very coveted knowledge of this prop!


  3. Looking good Lee :)

